Evie Snuggle

Hey! My name is Evie, but online I go by @​snuggle. I work in tech as a site reliability engineer (SRE), always herding computers around with code! 🐄👩🏽‍💻

Evie Snuggle's portrait with a garden behind
Evie Snuggle Evie Snuggle snuggle
United Kingdom

My Posts

@revk oh that can’t be good

@autumnontape iodine in salt doesn’t seem to be a thing here, we have cyanide in salt instead 😅

@endocrimes Gosh, I’m getting pretty upset by every company that is refusing to allow people to work remotely

@s the rain is wet! 😰

@spicytamazon Star Trek Online works great on Steam Proton for me, I’d imagine it would be equally as smooth on STO? Touch only buttons for all the abilities though, no keyboard shortcuts

@xeras @forever@fedi.nullob.si absolutely. people always come first, technology is literally there to make things better for people, so not doing that is a little silly

@forever@fedi.nullob.si @meeper oh gosh, this is why I shouldn’t be on *the internet* past 3am, I’m confusing everything up 😅

I think friendly named animal technology helps me not feel upset when things go wrong or something is lacking. I just can’t be mad at the happy salamander or little ducks, they’re trying their best… that’s why I’ll always be team Firefox, even if it means I can’t see half of the web anymore because Google decided they standardise the internet… cute friendly tech wins, not spooky eye

@forever@fedi.nullob.si @meeper oh heck yeah! I’m on team gecko 🦎

(I thought Firefox used supermonkey or something?)

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