Evie Snuggle

Hey! My name is Evie, but online I go by @​snuggle. I work in tech as a site reliability engineer (SRE), always herding computers around with code! πŸ„πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ’»

Evie Snuggle Evie Snuggle snuggle
United Kingdom

My Posts

@ticky I’m scared of the responsibility of keeping 24/7 uptime, I’m worried I’d break it somehow! πŸ˜…

@SirTapTap You end up having more control over your own audience!

@david Hello! Thank you so much, I'm still trying to figure out how instances actually work but I think I'm getting the hang of it πŸ˜›

I hope you have a lovely day/night/evening! πŸ’•

@bluestarultor Do OLED displays require a sleep state?

@perimus @RussellTheFox I think Apple also does battery replacements out of warranty for Β£40 or so?

@prehensile This makes me want to play animal crossing!

@prehensile That awkward silence when they react with a gif that no one else quite understands

@prehensile Goo makes the things work!

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