Evie Snuggle

Hey! My name is Evie, but online I go by @​snuggle. I work in tech as a site reliability engineer (SRE), always herding computers around with code! πŸ„πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ’»

Evie Snuggle Evie Snuggle snuggle
United Kingdom

My Posts

@alex Going from a Hario Slim Mini to a Sage Smart Grinder Pro 😊 I found myself not making coffee, even though it was more delicious than chain coffee shop coffee, because of how long it took to hand grind (multiple minutes)

@Tusky @TQ@weirder.earth any plans on iOS?

@jeder @katnjiapus@toot.site I could fit under with 63cm to spare!

@david @bluestarultor @spicytamazon I’m loving tech.lgbt so far!

@charlotte @cadey Me too! :ms_robot_error:

@cassolotl @TQ@weirder.earth everything suddenly makes sense!

@erbmaster @welshpixie@mastodon.art this is so cute!

@carbontwelve thank you so much! 😊✨

@carbontwelve good morning! :happycat:

@spacekookie @katnjiapus@toot.site oh, that’s cool!

@carbontwelve Please add me to Chaos Computer Club, Coffee, Cyberpunk, Devops, Engineering, Everyday Life, LGBTQI, Linux, Mac, Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Transhumanism, Women in Tech.

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