Evie Snuggle

Hey! My name is Evie, but online I go by @​snuggle. I work in tech as a site reliability engineer (SRE), always herding computers around with code! 🐄👩🏽‍💻

Evie Snuggle's portrait with a garden behind
Evie Snuggle Evie Snuggle snuggle
United Kingdom

My Posts

@spicytamazon flirting…? wow, i… yes please :ms_relaxed:

@foxes Why prefer post? I love the toot button!

@marsupialgutz@stop.voring.me @fantoro I think /dev/null does exist, it’s a device file. If you do `mv ./test_file /dev/null` you will overwrite and break your /dev/null

@marsupialgutz@stop.voring.me @fantoro I have broken my /dev/null in this way before, as I didn’t realise it was a real file and can be deleted or overwritten.

@ru @david gosh yeah… living without constantly seeing how many birdlikes you get

@maeve @Medus4 I don’t think this is a great CW since it’s stating the same thing as the content itself?

@Curator To make sure, do you find my avatar okay?

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