Evie Snuggle

Hey! My name is Evie, but online I go by @​snuggle. I work in tech as a site reliability engineer (SRE), always herding computers around with code! 🐄👩🏽‍💻

Evie Snuggle's portrait with a garden behind
Evie Snuggle Evie Snuggle snuggle
United Kingdom

My Posts

@grob @DaveHowe Bitcoin being similar. You pay an extortionate fee to have fast transactions, or you must wait hours for your transaction to be completed in a batch of other transactions.

@grob @DaveHowe Agree, last time I looked at Ethereum, they had gas/transaction fees of £25–50. Besides their other issues, cryptocurrency is useless for this.

@DaveHowe Agree with #1, but for #2 I don’t think I’ve carried cash for a decade, most of the vending machines here are card payment by default, but if you only have cash, then they are exact change. Same for buses. Some stores here have even stopped taking cash all together, cash is on the way out…

My local supermarket also have coinless trollies now, too… (not that I use them, I don’t own a car so can’t buy that much bulk shopping)

@derwinmcgeary I’ve heard this is an EU law! Although most switched from card fees to minimum card spend amounts, when they really should raise prices. They’re there for convenience, not budget bulk buying.

@noiob I’d pay double for the drink just so I don’t miss my expensive as heck train. Convenience doesn’t mean buying bulk £5 worth of stuff, it means buying a couple items but at a more expensive price than a supermarket! The people interested in convenience aren’t interested in saving 30p on a drink, they don’t want to miss their £115 train ticket which departs in 4 minutes…

@DaveHowe The target audience though, I’m in a rush to the train station and thirsty!

This isn’t a supermarket where people are trying to compare prices and save money, it’s a tiny convenience store on the walk towards a train station. I’d prefer to spend an extra £1 per item, so I don’t miss my train, have to buy another train ticket and seriously ruin my morning.

I don’t have a way to carry a week’s shopping. I don’t see why they’re getting angry at their customers for that?

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