way too hot.
Summer: AAHHHH WASPS 🐝 it is so gooood!
gosh, getting up close with accessibility infrastructure in a very large british city has been… something
there was just some dude sitting in the accessible seat drinking a beer, headphones in and desperately trying to pretend to not see the person with crutches who can’t stand
ikea everything
@hankg @mjdxp @prplecake @molly0xfff This is my favourite emoji set on Linux! :blobcatthinking:
@molly0xfff Works for me too?
The pollen… and my nose… are not friends
Pretty exhausted but hey it’s monday again!
@autumnontape iodine in salt doesn’t seem to be a thing here, we have cyanide in salt instead 😅
@endocrimes Gosh, I’m getting pretty upset by every company that is refusing to allow people to work remotely
Oh no, I regret looking at the ingredients for my table salt… 🧂☠️😅
I’ll be at from tomorrow onwards, feel free to poke me and say hi! 👋 #noxp
If I were a Pokémon, I think I’d be a Wigglytuff.
Salt and vinegar crisps above all others
@spicytamazon Star Trek Online works great on Steam Proton for me, I’d imagine it would be equally as smooth on STO? Touch only buttons for all the abilities though, no keyboard shortcuts
Hm… is bored, please send them memes or random things that are interesting!