@jatobear @prehensile the person with the axe has energy I can vibe with! ⚡️🪓
I’m not sure why when I get anxious I yawn. 🥱
@RachaelAva1024 @foxes I voted `other` as I tend to use micro!
@jay39 no worries! They’re pretty expensive at $95 USD + (international customs & taxes) and are sold every so often in big batches/drops, but absolutely my favourite custom keycap set! :blobcataww: I prefer those tropical fruit creams the only thought running around my brain over and over :ohnocat:
@maartje 😅 thank you, I don’t actually own a multimetre as I don’t think I unsderstand enough at electronics… the math was great but then I got lost at op-amps and capacitors
@jay39 Astrolokeys! 🌙♌️✨ #astrolokeys
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Uh-oh. This is the first time I’ve ever seen a severe weather warning notification in the UK… 🌡🥵🫠
🫠 hot. brianfreeezze :scremcat:
so hot that even my ice-cream is crying 🍦 I need these tips, it’s way too hot :angery:
@noelle That’s a lot of things you’ve noticed, I’d trust your gut here.
Adding a quick link here for those who haven’t seen your original post. 🔗 I vote burrito but as spicy as possible for you to tolerate comfortably 🌶 🌯
I’m graduating today! 🎉
oh, I’m not a student anymore… 🥲 😢