@Nack Join the trunk!
@itsjustdj gosh, my partner, who doesn’t have a good time with needles, having a blood test done by a sports fan vs a queer-presenting person with rainbow lanyard was night and day different
Dear cars… 🚗
Please kindly get out of the way
Let my buses get through… 🚌
@juliank That would be perfect! My motherboard is pretty new so I haven’t seen any good performance from my AX200 yet… 😔
@arch I’ve not been able to actually clone the cards I want because of the encryption, so I’m curious if there’s a workaround or are those implants only useful for non-encrypted NFC tag cloning?
@arch My experiences trying to clone those encrypted NFC DESfire v2 or whatever onto my own NFC cards has not been great. It seems like everything I can find uses it
@juliank All I was thinking was “huh, wow, I thought WiFi 6 is supposed to be up to like 2.5 Gbit/s, why am I only getting an order of magnitude less than that?
@juliank oh what the fudge, I was wondering why I only get 250 Mbit/s on my AX200 WiFi 6 card when only 10cm away from my router… I’m supposed to get 1 Gbit/s
I wonder, does anyone have one of those NFC implants and if so, what do you use it for? What delay?
@noatamir @spicytamazon It feels like actual Star Trek again, which is something I’ve been missing so much
@spicytamazon I’ve been *loving* season 2, in my opinion it’s a dozen times better than the first season! 🖖
@Paarsec The “do not show new boosts for posts…” option, is that dependent on the app/client you’re using or should it be in the web client’s account settings?
Why do cats love to sit in boxes so much? I don’t understand but I vibe with it

@FediFollows Much prefer this idea!